How to apply

Investment20/20 trainee jobs can be found on the Investment20/20 website.

Trainee jobs are released all year round and are open to those with and without a degree. Trainees can join straight from education, or after working in a different sector.  

Over 200 trainee jobs are released every year, each with its own closing date. You can apply for multiple Investment20/20 trainee jobs. Register to get the latest trainee opportunities.

You will go through a recruitment process for each job. The process is outlined on each job description. It will mostly include a CV, covering letter, a short task, and an interview. Sometimes the process may include psychometric tests and assessment centres.

Look at our candidate application hub to help you prepare your applications.

To apply for an Investment20/20 trainee job:

  • Look at the latest trainee jobs page 
  • Use the filters to help you find opportunities.
  • Review the job description, paying particular attention to the ‘skills’ section.
  • Follow the instructions in the ‘how to apply’ section of the job description.

Find more about the programme

Trainee Programme Prospectus
Trainee Programme
Training and development
Meet our trainees

“The Investment20/20 programme has been a huge support to me that has continued beyond my traineeship. The culture and network play a crucial role, ensuring I felt welcome in the industry from day one. The opportunities provided have been incredibly valuable in helping me develop both personally and professionally. To be invited to speak at industry events in both Edinburgh and London, so early on in my career, has been a highlight for me.”

Clare MacInnes, Performance Analysis, Artemis Fund Mangers