Investment20/20 Newsletter Autumn 2021

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The benefits of a diverse workforce are well known with much of the conversation focused on addressing gender, ethnicity and social mobility. However, there has been less focus on neurodiversity even though it brings the much sought-after cognitive diversity that many employers seek. To read our newsletter, click here.

Our autumn newsletter explores neurodiversity with a focus on autism and the many advantages autistic talent brings to the workplace. Recruiting autistic talent is something that many firms want to do but acknowledge that support and guidance is needed on how to do this successfully. We discuss both the benefits and also address the practical aspects of recruiting and developing autistic people within a cohesive team environment and hear from an Investment20/20 trainee on her experience.

Providing effective people management is increasingly being recognised as an essential requirement in creating a culturally inclusive environment that allows people to be their best at work. Managers of people with autism consciously adapt their management skills and feedback is that they have become more skilled in leveraging the talents of all their team through greater sensitivity to individual needs. As we look to boost our people management skills and create a more culturally inclusive workplace, enabling autistic talent to access and thrive in our sector clearly has many business benefits that we should leverage.

September marks the start of the new academic year and we are excited to be taking our award-winning insight programme, Think Investments, directly into the classroom further expanding our reach with young people. I am also delighted to announce the launch of our new website that demonstrates how Investment20/20 leads our industry in moving the dial on diversity, equity and inclusion.

To read our newsletter, click here. We hope you like it.

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