Investment20/20 Autism Webinar

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It is understood that cognitive diversity impacts team performance. Autistic talent brings cognitive diversity and that’s why investment management needs to be better at recruiting from this talent pool.

The Investment20/20 webinar explored how we can make our neurotypical world of work more accessible so that young people with autism can join our industry, be authentic at work and help us create an inclusive work environment that better reflects the communities we serve.

Psychometric tests, unclear job descriptions and ambiguity of recruitment process are just some of the many issues identified by Isabelle Mangan, Investment20/20 Trainee who has autism BNP Paribas Securities Services. These things can be easily fixed.

Thank you to our panel of Autism experts, industry pioneers and specialists in young people recruitment for both inspiring members to take action and showing us how we can start the conversation. With thanks to Jenny Staunton and Isabelle Mangan from BNP Paribas Sercurities Services, Jade Fuller from Ambitious About Autism, Elena Vidal from The Courtyard School, Jennifer Ockwell from Triple Point and Jenny Barber.

If you missed the webinar, you can watch here.

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