Congratulations To Our 36 Investment2020 Trainees

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Congratulations to our 36 Investment2020 trainees from eight investment management firms participating in our 2016 CYC Regatta in Cowes!

As Team Investec Asset Management (IAM) said, “the phrase ‘in at the deep end’ probably best described the sailing conditions with a wind strength of fresh to frightening.” Team IAM was the only crew brave enough to ‘go shooter’ and hoist the spinnaker, but after a risky start and a close call with a container boat, this secured them the Regatta title. Second and third places were taken by Columbia Threadneedle and Henderson Global Investors respectively and closely followed by our other contenders – Schroders, JP Morgan Asset Management, IFDS, Standard Life Investments and Aberdeen.

Trainees have so far collectively raised in excess of £22,650 for two very worthwhile charities, Tusk and the Ellen McArthur Cancer Trust.

This fun and very worthwhile team and skills building Regatta would not have been possible without partnerships with dual Olympic Gold medallist Sarah Ayton, delivering sea training and an inspirational after dinner talk, the Island Sailing club for their boats and the Royal Yacht Squadron for hosting our grand celebration.

“The event was a great balance between team bonding,making new friends and learning a new skill.” Investment2020 trainee

“Investment2020 is doing some wonderful work with our talent of the future and in my view, helping them to master the skills.” Richard Lord, Standard Life Investments.

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