We have offices in Bank in London as well as in the centre of Edinburgh. We work with individual clients and financial advisers across the UK and have several different parts of the business:
- An investment platform. This is the technology aspect which allows people to actually invest money. We have a team of people who work to build, improve and maintain the platform. Think IT development and product knowledge.
- An investment management division. This is where the decisions about what we invest in get made. Think economics and analysis.
- A financial intermediary division. This team works to build relationships with financial advisers across the UK and spread the word about our product offerings. Think sales and relationship management.
- A private client division. This team works directly with high net worth individuals to help them invest their money. Think relationship management and planning finances.
- Also don’t forget that we have all the areas that a business in any industry would have – HR, legal, finance, operations management – the list goes on!
Why work for us
7IM has grown immensely over recent years and this looks to continue, but that doesn’t mean we have lost our friendly, agile company spirit. Now more than ever, it is an exciting time to join our business. Each year, we carry out a colleague satisfaction survey with the most recent one showing:
- When looking at what people liked most about working at 7IM, we were pleased to see that the inclusive environment came out top, with 21% of colleagues voting it the best part of the culture here.
- The results showed employees at 7IM have confidence in the senior leadership, who actively demonstrate the company’s values and behaviours in every decision they make
- Employees love working at 7IM because we are ‘inclusive’, ‘enthusiastic’ and ‘engaging’.
- Our colleagues feel that they are encouraged to always put the client at the centre of everything we do, and where we are not, they feel empowered to speak up and challenge the business.
- The survey also revealed we are true to our values of promoting diversity and inclusion, and that employees are treated equitably.
- We’re very proud of fostering a welcoming environment where we support and help each other to grow and develop.
What we look for
The best way to understand who we are as a team and what we look for is through the Personality aspect of our Vision, Purpose, Values and Personality which explain how we approach things:
- Sustainable
- Enthusiastic
- Versatile
- Engaging
- No Nonsense
- Inclusive
- Modern