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Schools and Colleges in Scotland

Investment20/20 helps drive a forward thinking, responsible and inclusive investment industry where every firm attracts, develops and retains talented people from all backgrounds.

Whether leaving school or college and looking to progress straight to work, or thinking about career options after a degree, Investment20/20 can provide students with an insight to a career in investment management. Below are four of our careers outreach activities, but contact us if you would like us to support other careers events that you have planned.

Discover careers in investment management workshop

This session introduces students to the purpose of investment management, career pathways and routes in. Students will gain key information and statistics on the investment management labour market and the types of skills and jobs that will be in demand in the future. Students will hear from an Investment Ambassador or current Investment20/20 Trainee or Apprentice, learning how they managed their journey from education to work. Students will also receive information on the Investment20/20 Trainee and Apprenticeship programme.

This session can be delivered as a short session, such as in an assembly to a whole year group or subject area, or delivered within a longer timetabled slot targeted towards a particular group of students.

Investing to improve climate change workshop

This workshop will help students understand how good investment decisions can deliver a positive return in addressing climate change and environmental issues. Students will hear from sustainability experts from one of our member firms and understand how environmental topics in subjects such as geography and science come to life in jobs in investment management. 

The duration of the session is 45 – 60 minutes and is delivered virtually.

Preparing for the recruitment process

Students can be apprehensive about the recruitment process and unsure what to expect. This workshop will introduce students to the recruitment process, covering CV’s to psychometric tests and assessments centres.  It’s a great way for students to understand what selection methods are used by employers – and to hear from our Trainees or Apprentices on their own experience. 

The duration of the session is 45 – 60 minutes and is delivered virtually.

Think Investments in the Curriculum

Think Investments, our award-winning work insights programme, has been adapted to embed within a range of curriculum subjects, or to be delivered as part of an ongoing careers programme in a school or college aimed at year 12 and 13 students. Think Investments (embedded) consists of one introductory session and three subsequent modules, each lasting one hour and delivered by Investment20/20 and one or more of our partner employers.

Investment20/20 introduce the world of investments to young people through innovative and inspirational courses. Edinburgh College are proud to work with Investment20/20 both now and in the future.

Sandra Morrison,

Lecturer in Accounting, Edinburgh College

By the end of this module students will be able to identify:

  • The purpose of investment management to individuals, companies and society.
  • The ways in which the industry will change and adapt over the next 12 months.
  • Key skills, strengths and attributes required by the sector going forward.

By the end of this module students will be able to identify:

  • Types of asset classes and key differentiators.
  • Factors impacting the performance of assets.
  • Key skills needed to work in roles that involve working directly with assets.

By the end of this module students will understand:

  • How investment managers integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in investment decisions.
  • ESG roles and career paths.

There is a limited number of Think Investments programmes that we can operate each academic term.

To find out more and book a programme for your school or college please contact Jenny Barber, Director of Careers and Talent:

Book an Investment20/20 careers session

Email us to discuss your requirements:

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