Home / Career Developemnt / Alumni programme / Alumni stories / Sam Raywood
So far, due to the job’s quite technical skill set, I have mostly been focused on learning. I work within a team of developers who have extremely good knowledge and are available to provide help at all times. I will gradually be integrated into different teams and have an input into projects as I progress. Software development requires good problem solving skills, logical thinking and an element of creativity so, due to my prior experience and musical background, I feel that this is a well suited job for me.
Alongside this more technical side, we are also required to learn about the business aspects of the financial industry as a whole in order for us to understand our role within it. This is something that I find very interesting and I feel this will be a very valuable asset for me to have for any role I may have in the future.
The most challenging thing about my job so far is probably learning the technical side of programming. When I started, I had no technical experience at all so it has been challenging but interesting learning how to develop software.
After gaining a degree in commercial music I pursued music as a career, playing in a band touring the UK and Europe whilst working in a variety of jobs at the same time. Now at the age of 25, I have decided that I need a more sustainable career that will provide me with a good future. An apprenticeship provided me with the income I needed to remain in London and receive training from professionals not only technically but business related as well. The company allows a very good work/life balance so I am still able to continue playing music in my spare time as well. After attending university and being able to compare the two, in my opinion, the training and format of an apprenticeship will definitely be a lot more valuable to me.
My short term future aspirations are to continue developing myself at my current company, gain knowledge and learn as much as possible about the business. As far as long term goals go, in an industry that is adapting and growing at the rate it is, who knows how far I can go.
Investment20/20 has provided me with very useful insight into the financial industry that not many people would have access to at all. The events and courses that I have attended so far have allowed me to meet people from a range of different companies with varied job roles.
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