Emma Steen

Junior Business Analyst |
School/College Leaver

Why do you enjoy your job?

I work with my boss in project management on the investment floor. I get involved with a variety of projects and deal with new problems and new people every day, and it is this variety that I love. One day I might be in a meeting about how we can apply artificial intelligence and machine learning to our investment teams, and on another I am sitting with fund managers understanding what they need to make their role as smooth as possible, from a small report to new systems implemented globally. I am an organised person who enjoys seeing something through from creation to completion which is why I find this role so rewarding. I also hugely value the quantity of real time knowledge that I am gaining about this fast-paced evolving industry.

What is the most challenging thing about your job?

One of the most challenging things about my job is also the most fulfilling. I am often given a brief before a meeting with senior people, sometimes just a few words, from which I have to ask the right questions to understand their role, assess what is not working and what they need. My job is to translate this information into a document for the specialists so they can implement the work and meet all the original requirements.

How did you get into your job?

At university I was studying international hospitality management, but quickly realised I was not reaching my potential and felt unfulfilled, so decided to leave and instead looked for work using my IT skills. I also remembered how much I enjoyed project management work at Sixth Form – so when I spotted this job it was perfect timing. Investment20/20 has helped me a great deal. It has stopped me from being held back by a lack of experience and knowledge in the field or by not having a degree. My employer saw my potential and enthusiasm, which are the best foundations, and thanks to this scheme I have been able to gain the experience and knowledge along the way.

What are your future aspirations?

I’m not sure exactly where I want to head; but the one thing I do know is that I want to keep learning and growing, professionally and personally. I believe that I don’t need to have everything mapped out right now, as long as I keep working hard and pushing my knowledge and gaining new skills, then opportunities will open up. Today’s world, especially with changes in technology, is moving fast. Adapting to new technologies and new processes is important and personally the Investment20/20 scheme has given me the faith that showing willing and initiative will get you noticed more than qualifications and test scores.

How would you sum up your Investment20/20 experience?

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” (Abraham Lincoln)

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