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I work within the Aladdin Product Team. My team manages the relationship between M&G and Aladdin’s provider BlackRock Solutions. My role is interesting as my day to day varies, I work with different departments and roles across M&G, allowing me to continue to develop my learning.
The most challenging part of my role is remembering every acronym which is used in my team. When first starting I felt overwhelmed by the amount of acronyms which everybody would use but now I find myself using them and it shows me how much I have learned since starting in October.
When I was in my final year of college I was introduced to the Think Investments Programme ran by Investment20/20. The programme gave me endless opportunities to understand the Investments industry, learn soft skills and network with employers working for the industry. Whilst rolling off the programme I applied for my current role at M&G. The programme definitely helped me to prepare the application process and starting my role.
Once I finish my apprenticeship I hope to stay on at M&G or another investment firm. Continuing to learn and develop my skills set and working on new projects.
Investment20/20 opened my eyes to the Investments Industry. It offered me endless opportunities to improve my confidence, skill set and knowledge on the industry.
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