Home / Career Developemnt / Alumni programme / Alumni stories / Darnell Johnson
I currently work predominantly as a marketing executive for the European wholesale channel. The aspect of my role that I find particularly interesting is the opportunity to provide the most cohesive and effective literature for both our potential and existing clients. I can use my analytical skills to understand the needs and wants of our clients and therefore to provide the optimum standard of service to them.
The most challenging aspect of my job is finding the balance between the needs of our sales representatives and the demands of our compliance department. Our working environment is highly regulated and so the expectations of coherency and clarity in our work are very high. It is essential to be decisive given particular circumstances and to hold that responsibility as a school leaver can sometimes be a little overwhelming and challenging.
Prior to my placement, I was at college full time studying Maths, Economics and English literature. Entering the financial industry as a school leaver has been a big but significant jump. Being given the opportunity to demonstrate commitment, dedication and persistence right at the start of my career will help me to stand out from others when trying to find a job within the industry.
My future aspirations are to complete my Investment Management Certificate (IMC) and Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) qualifications and gain a greater insight into the asset management industry. Although making a career plan can seem daunting as a school leaver, setting clear and reasonable goals from the start has really helped me. I use them as motivation to surpass expectations and excel within the corporate world.
The Investment20/20 scheme is an excellent gateway into the financial industry for young, driven and ambitious individuals who aspire to achieve a long and successful career.
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