Home / Career Developemnt / Alumni programme / Alumni stories / Shakeel Ahmed
Working at Liontrust has exposed me to trending ideas in investment management, particularly in cyber security and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance). I generally enjoy reading about innovative creations coming through in today’s world, and I take immense pride in being involved and learning about these two growing initiatives. A growing sense of intrigue is taking place in cyber security and ESG from investors and managers; placed within the governance department, I have found myself in a fortunate position to expand my learning on these. Rotating to marketing afterwards will challenge me to see these ideas from an alternative and perhaps more creative angle, and I am very curious to see how this challenge goes!
Finding efficient methods for running reports, analysing results and processing data is imperative to my role and was a challenge that I welcomed as soon as I began my traineeship. Embracing the challenge of being more efficient has helped me to meet deadlines well in advance and at the same time conduct my work to a high quality. It is well documented that arguably the most productive way to perform is to ‘work smarter, not harder’, and I am glad to have taken a role that has challenged me to do just that. I can profoundly say first-hand that this can carry you a long way in whatever field you work in.
My Investment20/20 journey began halfway through Sixth Form when I seriously began to question whether I felt ready to start university. Despite holding an offer, I decided to begin my applications and work through my CV. Over the rest of the year and through the summer, I handled several rejections, typically at the interview and assessment centre stages. I felt privileged to have had conversations with senior employees in the industry, and these rejections helped me get to grips with how interviews work and the gaps in my personal brand and LinkedIn. The initiatives I took from these rejections culminated with my successful application to Liontrust and thus the chance to work under the Investment20/20 programme.
Although I have a confirmed place at university at the end of my traineeship, I have kept the option of a permanent position open. Investment20/20 has helped me realise that a university degree is neither a requirement nor a guarantee to achieving a fulfilling career in this industry – what you require is a hard work ethic, enthusiasm and a positive outlook in whichever activity you immerse yourself in, which is something you can establish without university. I am currently evaluating all the options open to me.
Investment20/20 has injected a vibrant start to my career in investment management. I have taken advantage of the range of social events, training courses and networking sessions that Investment20/20 have extended to its trainees, and they have all provided me with the energy, knowledge and confidence to take back to Liontrust and perform at my peak. Investment management is a dynamic industry with constant ongoing changes and development; without Investment20/20 I would have found it quite overwhelming to deal with. I feel excited to now share my Investment20/20 experience with the next cohort of prospective trainees, and I am confident that they will reap the benefits of the programme just as I have.
©2020 Investment20/20. Investment20/20 is a trading name of the Investment Association Services Ltd, a company registered in England under the number 02292214. The registered address is Camomile Court, 23 Camomile Street, London, EC3A 7LL.