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How to get involved

Investment20/20 helps drive a forward thinking, responsible and inclusive investment industry where every firm attracts, develops and retains talented people from all backgrounds.

Over 60 investment management firms have benefitted from being an Investment20/20 member by accessing and recruiting from a diverse pool of graduates, school and college leavers that are more reflective of the people and communities they serve.

We provide the platform and structure for the industry to reach deep into communities of young people that had not previously considered investment management as one of career choice.

By taking a collective industry approach we strengthen our industry’s reputation with a diverse student base, reinforce our social purpose and sign posts to our member’s entry roles. Our approach enables members to benefit from wider communities of talent who have not had exposure to industry brands or industry networks.

We focus on attracting, recruiting and developing graduates and school and college leavers from a wider diversity of backgrounds. Participation in Investment20/20 involves becoming a member.

Learn more about hiring for potential:

The Investment20/20 Guide to Hiring for Potential

Members benefit from:

Careers Workshops and Virtual Careers Insight Sessions

Careers workshops and virtual careers insight sessions introduce students to the purpose of investment management, key industry themes and the range of different jobs. Members are invited to participate in these sessions inspiring people to consider our industry as a career of choice and to demonstrate the wide range of backgrounds and experience of people working in the sector.

Think Investments

Think Investments is an award-winning programme that enables people from diverse and wider socio-economic backgrounds to join our industry. By participating in six masterclasses covering industry knowledge, employability skills and networking with employers, they develop the confidence to apply for industry entry-level jobs.

Careers Adviser Briefing Sessions

Careers advisers and teachers are pivotal to people hearing about career opportunities in investment management. Members are invited to participate along with trainees.

Social Media and Campaigns

Throughout the year we deliver a range of campaigns strengthening our reputation as a career of choice and reinforcing the message that our industry is inclusive and welcomes difference. Campaigns run in 2020 include National Apprenticeship Week, LGBTQ+ Pride Month and Black History Month.

We support members in the recruitment of their trainees by drawing from a wide diversity of backgrounds and sign posting to members’ entry jobs. We further enable firms to diversify by challenging assumptions about the knowledge, skills and experiences required for roles.

Recruiting talent through the Trainee Programme

A one year Trainee Programme which has been successfully used for both graduates and/or school and college leavers. Placements are non-rotational and the intention is to offer trainees a permanent position at the end but this is not guaranteed as it is dependent on performance as well as head count. Members find this approach helpful as it reduces the perceived risk to hiring outside of ‘traditional’ industry talent pools. The trainee programme can sit alongside existing programmes.

High-level Stats of Trainees

Performance measures in terms of diversity and the quality of trainees is strong with 75% progressing into a permanent position after their trainee year, with the remaining 25% having positive destinations that includes progressing to a different investment manager or financial services firm, continuing education or moving into a different sector. Half of the trainees are school leavers and half are graduates with 85% from state school education. 48% are first in their family to go to university and 13% of trainees since 2019 have received free school meals which are strong measures of socio-economic background. 49% of the current trainees identify as ethnic minority and 44% are women.

Supporting Hiring Managers

We are not only changing perceptions of the industry amongst people, but have also focused on changing perceptions amongst hiring managers. Our Hiring for Potential toolkit helps hiring managers hire people from outside of their traditional graduate schemes.

Virtual Onboarding Programme

To support trainees between accepting their offer and before starting their first day in the ‘office’, we provide virtual onboarding for new starters. The onboarding includes advice and guidance from industry professionals and an opportunity to meet with new trainees from other firms.

Professional Development Offer

We offer trainees the opportunity to develop themselves through our centrally organised professional development activities and form a vibrant network with other trainees from across the industry.

  • Insight seminars
  • Soft skills development
  • Technical training


In addition to this, we offer a platform for trainees to develop their presentation and public speaking skills as industry ambassadors for our student outreach and also at industry events.

If you are an employer interested in joining Investment20/20, please contact us at [email protected]

Investment20/20 Membership

Investment20/20 Inclusive Recruitment Principles​

Inclusive recruitment and the development of trainees is core to what we do. Our 60+ member firms have committed to our Inclusive Recruitment Principles:

  • To employ school leavers/graduates (“Trainees”) and seek applications (without discrimination) from a broad range of schools, colleges and universities;
  • Not make it mandatory that Trainees require previous work experience;
  • Not require set minimum qualifications (or maximum requirement of 240/96 UCAS points);
  • Adopt a thorough, fair, non-discriminatory and transparent recruitment process;
  • Pay a fair wage to the Trainees – we would propose, without being an obligation for our members, a wage between £22,000 – £30,000 pa for Trainees, taking into account regional weighting, plus normal company benefits;
  • Provide, where possible, and to ensure that both the member firm and the Trainees can build a beneficial working relationship, a suggested minimum 12 months’ employment contract to all Trainees;
  • Offer, where possible and practicable, Trainees non-rotational work to allow the Trainee to gain expertise in a specific area and to build a basic knowledge of a specific area of business;
  • Appoint a line manager and mentor who will give regular feedback and guidance to the Trainee;
  • Provide training and development relevant to each Trainee role as may be available to any other employees or members of the firm;
  • Encourage Trainees to participate in Investment20/20 training and networking events;
  • Encourage Trainees to participate in Investment Ambassador talks in schools/colleges; and
  • Encourage Trainees to start a foundation professional qualification.

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